Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Many Obsessions

Today we'll talk about all of my unhealthy obsessions!
    I'm super obsessed with new socks. Not plain ones though, never plain ones. The Spidey ones are my current favorite with Cinderella coming in at a close second. Beyond that I wear mostly knee-high socks. You will never see me without socks on either, because as much as I love socks, I equally hate feet. The damn things weird me out. Pretty sure they have something to do with aliens, funny looking damn things. Uck. Always socks & usually Chucks.

     Which brings me to obsession #2, unless you count the negative obsession with feet, but I don't. Because they're stupid and they don't deserve a number. Number TWO, that's right, two, is Converse. Yeah, the ones people played basketball in around the 50s, the ones that are super popular in all my 80s movies which I dearly love. I wear high tops with everything. Shorts included. Graduation day, I wore a pretty dress under my robe & guess what?! Yep! Chuck Taylors. My old worn out ones, featured in the photo above. Every school dance, (even one Prom), every skirt, dress, shorts, outfit, CHUCKS. If I could marry shoes...well I still wouldn't because they have too close of a relationship with feet, but dammit it would be a hard decision!
   Numero Tree. Red Bull. I firmly believe that it does, in fact, give you wings. I'm not sure how many I will have to drink first, but it will happen. Like a "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop" kind of thing. If all else fails I'll bite the damn tootsie pop and by that I mean I will drink a Red Bull while skydiving or doing a drunken flip or something but dammit I will fly and it will be attributed to Red Bull. Plus, it's delicious and it makes my heart rate faster. Who needs to do cardio when you could have an energy drink-induced heart attack?! That's right, not me!
     Four: Super Heroes. I am supereffinginlovewithsuperheroes. Spidey socks. Spidey backpack which is my purse due to pure awesomeness and lack of femininity . Batman tramp stamp on my car. I went to see the Batmobile on tour and the Tumbler. Which freaking blew my mind! My heart and thoughts went out to those who were affected by the shooting in the theatre this year bbuuuttt I still saw Batman in theatres. Because I would have died happy at that moment. I will one day marry Batman but I plan to have Captain America's babies so...I guess they'll have to work that one out somehow.

...To be continued...

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