Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Faaammiillyyy Tiiiime!!

Last week was hectic. And stressful. Ya know how you absolutely love your family to pieces but spending more than a day together makes you have thoughts about if you were all stranded on a deserted island, who would you kill first & how you could use their bones for weapons & think "Gee, at least they finally did something useful other than getting the eff under YOUR skin!"? Yeah.. I spent a week at my mother's house this past week. There was a gap between the last day of my last job & my start date so I really didn't have anything else to do.
   September 29th was the Chris Auperly benefit Rodeo, my first ever rodeo. Which I actually saw about 15 minutes of because we were so gosh darn busy in the concession stand from 4-11:30. Everything donated, everything ran out. 149lbs of donated meat, 6 coolers of soda & water, at least 100 hotdogs, etc. It was an awesome experience. Anyhow. The day after, Sunday, I decided to just head to my mother's instead of back home which I'm actually super glad I did.
   Let me just say here, when I was 9 years old my parents got divorced & I basically became Mommy & Daddy to my 6 year old little brother. Laundry, dinner, waking him for school, paying for lunches (through high school. He still doesn't know that every time I told him "Yeah, mom gave me a check for your lunch, I'll go up to the school before work." meant that I was paying for his gosh darn lunches again.), basically everything other than putting a roof over his head/discipline. He's 17 now. He's a senior in high school. Before last week he had his learner's permit & no vehicle. The only car that's legal for him to take his test in is mine & I don't live there anymore, nor can I take him due to the fact that I am not a guardian. We tried a couple different times. No exceptions. Sunday my Dad sent me a text saying he had won at the casino & to find my brother a car for less than 3 grand. I know how that goes so I was ON IT!! Had to find this boy a car STAT! 3 days later after looking through hundreds of listings, talking to a bunch of Craigslist weirdos, meeting with a couple of them, I found the kid a car. A nice one. Nicer and newer than mine actually. He even has a clicker on his keyring. My one frikkin 'this is how i know im successful' goal in life is to have a car with a clicker!! Friday he & my mom took my car & did his driving test. So...for the last 6 months he has been able to do this. I'm there for a week and ALL of it gets done. Did I tell you guys I have a 17 year old child?! I also cancelled every plan I had made in my home town to meet with people about cars all week. I did not see a single friend. Which was the whole homesicky vibey reason for spending the week anyhow. Oh well.
    THAT weekend my bro, aunt & I went to Kansas City, Missouri to kick it with my cousin who is also ways away from family and his comfort zone. I grew up pretty closely with my cousins so they're basically big brothers. Another reason for me being a boy child. JEP is 26 I want to say & he's my favorite family member to be quite honest, his babeh is a little over 1 now. His brother Crocket is 29 and has been over to Cuwait and back now. Well, I have purple hair. Crocket thought it was lame. I got beat up all weekend, like usual. Bruises and all. Gotta love family time!! See what I mean about being the boy child? Got punched on Saturday & still have bruises Wednesday. I sure did miss those fellas!
   Anyhow. It's been a fun-filled, family-filled past week or so for me, I started a new job Monday & I couldn't be happier! Busy busy. Need to keep up with my posts better! Yikes. Uhm. Toodles?!

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