Friday, March 8, 2013

Ramblings of Cake, Moms & Hearts

Slight disclaimer: I'm typing from my iPhone so this might get a bit rant-y & runn-on-y due to the fact that its extremely hard to edit.

The Fella & I hosted a birthday party today. We will start at the beginning. The Elder Child turned 8 yesterday & we held his sleepover party today. The Young Child headed the Decorating Committee. Which employed, uhm, me. Ya know, having a 4 year old for a boss kind of makes you reconsider your career choices. He's a swell guy & all but he sure is hard to work for! And the pay is.. Well, I do get paid in experience. Anyhow. We decorated for hours. The Young Child then asked his dad "Do you like my decorations?" And proceeded to tell him "Dani helped me with some." Yes, I even got credit for my work!! Whoo! Post-decoration I finally got to shower up which was AMAZING. I love my showers. It's relaxing. It's 20 minutes of ME time. Where I can actually hear myself think. Anyhow. The Eldest Child was home from school when I got out & he was excited.
     We sent out 4 invites to kids at school, The Fella invited the neighbor boys, my nieces were a fersure & the boys' mom got an invite via Facebook around 1pm. We ended up with 5 kiddos. Our two (his two, technically), my nieces & one boy from school. S'mores, cake, gifts, ice cream... The boys' Grandpa (who lives next door) has a boat partially buried in his yard that the kiddos play in the cab of. Uhm. Is it a cab on a boat? Or a cabin? I dunno. The damn inside part. Point is, all the kids played on/ in that for a while. The fire was short lived for some reason. There was a lot of hype about some dollar ninety-seven army guys with parachutes that turned out to be a bust. The cake was bomb & ice cream was a hit. Go figure.
     Bed time rolled around. Didn't know how that was gonna go. One of the girls ended up going home. Due to her being stubborn as a mule & her parents living conveniently close. So her sister got a bedroom & bed all to herself with three boys farting/giggling in the next bedroom over. Oh & everyone is still awake at 11:05 btw. Maybe they'll sleep late? Maybe. Please..
     I texted my momma about this whole shindig. Saying something along the lines of "8 year old bday parties are crazy" & she texted back to tell me I'm a good mom. She said I am a good mom. Do you know how good it feels to hear something like that from your mother?! Do you know that I'm not even a mom. I'm 20 years old. I didn't birth an 8 year old. His mother who was invited to his birthday party today, the one that I hosted, she didn't call yesterday on his birthday either. My mom didn't tell me I'm a good stepmother. Or say I WOULD be a good mom. She said I am. And that means the world to me. Everything I do is for these boys. They come first, always. I made 8 freakin number 8s to go on the walls today. Because I wanted to decorate the hell out of this house for The Elder's first sleep over/first bday with me & we were on a budget. So there are 8s the size of two pieces of construction paper each ALL over the living & dining rooms. Oh & with the help of a 4 year old. Who used to pitch a HUGE fit about cleaning his room but did so completely willingly & thoroughly today.
     I may be young & unsure about a lot of things but I know love & I know these boys have structure in their lives due in majority to me. At the end of the day there are a lot of things I wish I could change but more importantly at the end of the day I know I will read a story, gets two sets of hugs & iloveyous (3 sets if you count The Fella), & that's makes my heart happy.

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