Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Curiosity Killed the Cat. Figuratively speaking, I never had a cat.

     I think I may have fudged things up with the boy. He's all distant and such now. Maybe that's just how he rolls. Who knows? Not me, I don't know.
   Let me just explain something here though: If I am curious about something and there happens to be a poor poor soul around who I think might be able to satisfy my curiosity, I am going to ask that person and probably debate whatever answer they give me. I don't know exactly why I do that, but if they have a solid enough arguement behind their answer then bygolly that's the answer I will live by for the rest of my life and nobody will change my mind. Unless of course I go into debate mode with somebody else and they have better points on the subject, or just more entertaining ones. Such as me asking why the sky is blue and one person gives the correct scientific answer, which I find fascinating, and another person claims because there are ninjas hiding in the sky and they're so damn good at what they do the light nearly passes through them, making the sky appear blue. Ya see? Ninjas it is. It is now a fact.
    So when I'm curious and there is an answer available... I ask. Maybe it's a bit inappropriate sometimes and it tends to make people uncomfortable but I'm more of an ask someone to their face type of person than finding out from someone else. I would rather just go to the source and be done with it. For instance if I like someone a lot, I'll put myself out there completely and tell them "Hey I like you. Are you diggin' me? We could kick it more often and see if there's anything here." Or the girls who do that big poofy hair thing that I couldn't even do if I wanted to. I don't do it to offend anyone, be too forward, be pushy, or obnoxious. Just out of curiosity. I've been known to ask poofy-headed girls "Hey, what's up with the poof thang? It looks good and all but did you spend like 6 hours on it?!" It fascinates me. The reasons why people do things and their reactions, fasciniating.
     But yes, this is how I may have destroyed whatever may or may not have been with the boy. I asked where we stood and I think it made me seem suuuper pushy. So not my intention. I'm fine with courting for a decade before a relationship. All that jazz scares the bajeezus out of me. I was just wondering if maybe there could be something here. Eventually. I didn't even mean like tomorrow, or a month from now, just at some point, otherwise I'm wasting my time. I was curious about his end and since I'm not a mind reader, I asked. Oops. I suppose it'll work out if it's supposed to.
     Random tidbit: At the fair the other day ordering cotton candy the fellow working had a wonderful Austrailian accent...I may have asked him to repeat his name for me several times just so I could hear him talk. Due to me grinning like a fool every time he opened his mouth, I think he was on to me. He kept repeating it for me though, oh Johan from the fair!

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