Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Single Life = One Big Partay! Whoo!

Once again I have Xs on my hands -As in, oh gee hey look I'm STILL not 21, don't serve me a drink. Don't you do it! Oh and if you see me drinking from across the room you will surely notice the big ass Xs from tonight and every other night ever because they're damn near impossible to scrub off!!- and woke up with a sty in my left eye. Ouch.

 I was up until past 4am. Why?! I hate these late nights.
 I'm twenty and single so I should be out drinking, having a good time, and making bad choices. Or so everyone else my age seems to think.Which is probably the reason I tend to find myself with an older crowd the majority of the time... Sure, single life is fun. I can do what I want, when I want, with no consequences, (responsibly), and have nobody to answer to. Which at times is really cool. I have a lot of guy friends and at any given time can do as I please such as going to dinner or movies, roadtrips, etc. without worrying about it being perceived wrong but at the end of the night I'm still going home alone. No, I'm not promiscuous. I lay in my bed. Alone. If I share a bed with a friend rather than drinking and driving, which I do a lot, we use separate blankets and stick to our own sides. Anyhow. Point being. As I was laying in bed at 5 am, still awake... I was thinking about how tired of all of this I am. I miss having someone to check in with when I'm out with my friends. I would love having someone to come home to. I would enjoy having a partner to be excited with me when something good happens at work, when instead I have nobody significant to share it with. I'm young but I would much rather be in bed by 11, midnight if I'm feelin' crazy, and up by 8 at the latest to start my day.
Picture perfect day: 
-Day starts around 7:30. Tell my fella good morning & wish him a good day.
- Straighten up the house, do some light chores.
- Head off to work.
-Come home to my fella: Cook dinner, play some video games/watch a movie/whatevs & drink a couple beers if it's been a long day.
- Head off to bed all cuddled up, feeling cozy and secure.
-Do it all again.
Instead it's work, go out with friends, drink in excess, listen to people be dramatic, eat out, blah blah.
I'm tired of being alone I guess.
More than that though...I was fine with being by myself, enjoying it actually, until I met my fella. The one I just haven't made mine yet. He provokes all these feelings of wanting to be with somebody and I'm not sure it'll happen. Which is probably the reason for the ridiculous loneliness all the sudden.
So I'm thinking I need one of these doodads!!

How sweet, right?! It could definitely replace the gagillion pillows I sleep with every single night. Realistically, I sleep with four pillows. And none of them go under my head. I can't sleep with a pillow under my head at all. I'll put it on top of my face though, or lay on my stomach and have a pillow covering the back of my head. I don't know why. It's weird. I'm weird. Oh well. Point being. If I had one of these super comfy looking doodads, I would be comfy and content. Yeah buddii. 

Well I'm off for now. Brennan and Booth are calling me to the television set and I had probably make myself look decent-ish because I have a feeling around 9o'clock I'll be recieving a "Let's finish this bottle tonight!" kind of text. To which I will reply something along the lines of "I'm there. Do I have to put on pants?" Which I will regaurdless because there is a 50/50 chance of this super-studly cutie with perty blue eyes being there who I would never even consider touching but would like to catch checking me out at least once so I don't feel so creeper-weird for appreciating his looks ever so muchly. Oh those blue eyes get my attention every time!!

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