Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Political-ish Mumbo Jumbo

     With today being September 11th and all my Facebook has been blowing up with posts about it all day. I am fully supportive of every person who lost someone in the tradgedies that took place 11 years ago, supportive of the men and women who risked their lives to save and help people and families and supportive of survivors who lived through such things. However, I find it offensive to post or like the photos that show the Twin Towers being crashed into. Someone's loved one was dying at that moment, how is liking it going to show respect?! Photos of the towers still intact as well as the pentagon or service men and women, those are respectful photos.This has been bothering me all day. 
     Another thing that really bothers me is mourning the loss on this day. What's wrong with every other day of the year as well?! I didn't lose anyone on this day but if I had I would be a little bit upset at the whole idea of remembering today. If it were my loved one I would think of them daily and not wait until just today to make that known. People get so caught up in the masses I think they forget what we're really talking about here.
    On another note. Every soldier we have lost in any war... I believe their death could have been avoided. Obviously we (The United States) and anyone we have been at war with EVER have something in common. Each individual person whose sons, daughters, husbands, and wives who have gone off to fight for our countries and not made it home... their families did not want to lose them. Why is it that our countries could not come to SOME agreement and make SOME sacrifice other than human lives?! I just don't understand. I'm not politic-savvy by any means, I tend to stay out of the whole mess. It's this philosophy about avoiding the things that hurt my heart and piss me off. But I just don't see how we find anything more important than our loved ones.. enough so to ask them to sacrifice their lives. It will never really make sense to me.


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